Da Bomb Ground Zero Hot Sauce

Terence Bradley (Toronto, CA) Great sauce everyone's mouth is burning!
Fred Vermeer (Hamilton, CA) When you need your spicy heat to be a nuclear inferno, you can trust Da Bomb Ground Zero to deliver a megaton payload that easily wipes out the competition. It is hotter than Beyond Insanity.
Leslie Knaze (Midland, CA) Da Bomb Ground Zero
JasonG (Bathurst, CA) Just like The Bomb beyond Insanity this one is a real scorcher that hits the tongue like a red hot tattoo gun. I have tasted what 1 and 2 million scollville taste like and this one felt hotter ( underated) If you want to test your taste buds assuming you have any left this one will hit just with 2-3 drops. I loved it.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Dave Kachuk (Parry Sound, CA) It has a very nice flavour and then the heat sneaks up on you and lingers just a bit.

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