I wanted to try a hot sauce as natural as possible with Pepper X in it. This hot sauce has great flavor on a variety of different foods. After having this hot sauce a few times now, it definitely has a good solid burn to it that lasts a while. Work your way up to this one. Enjoy with caution ⚠️ 😉
This one came out of nowhere but so glad I grabbed it...simplicity and heat and deliciousness all rolled into one sauce. Superb!
There is a lot of heat in this sauce. A. Lot. Of. Heat. It's more of an ingredient than it is a condiment. There isn't a whole lot of flavour besides what I suspect magma and vinegar would taste like. Don't get me wrong, it's worth it and I am not sorry I bought it, but it's not exactly a nuanced tapestry of flavour. I used it in chile and as part of a wing sauce I whipped up. It would be great for a stamina contest.
This is a slow burn sauce. The initial taste is sweet and somewhat mild to lure you into eating more wings. After the first 6 wings, you're thinking, OK, there is some heat here, I'll keep going. Then you hit the 10th wing and the heat is there but you're still thinking, I can keep going. So now you're at that 15th wing and realizing you're eyes are tearing up and your nose is starting to run. Long lasting after you've finished eating. Definitely recommend this sauce.

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