Torchbearer Zombie Apocalypse Hot Sauce

This is a pretty darn hot sauce, but the underlying flavour is still noticeable. This is a good one to have in your collection for those liking a strong kick now and then.
SON of ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE is FAR FAR superior in flavour to it's "father" sauce.
Ok well it’s hot,very hot. But it tastes good!! Definitely a staple. I wish they had bigger bottles
Torchbearer Zombie Apocalypse Hot Sauce
This sauce has a good flavor to it. Heat hits quick and hard and tapers down after 10 minutes. 15 minutes later you're back to relative normal and wanting more. I've had hotter sauces and they don't taste as good as this one. But don't worry, this isn't a bottle that's so hot you will see through dimensions of time and hallucinate if you eat too much and it's not hard on the throat or stomach like some other sauces I've tried. I'd say there is a good 10-15 servings per bottle, or if you're a mega-spice-lord, maybe 5 servings - so take the price into consideration as well, it's not inexpensive either. I'd take several teaspoons myself per serving or dish so this sauce wouldn't last me too long on my shelf.

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