Melinda's Extra Hot Sauce

Melinda's Extra Hot Sauce
Melinda's Extra Hot Sauce
Ever since I discovered this hot sauce in the US in 2019, I instantly fell in love. It was the perfect "everyday" hot sauce for me, just the right amount of heat without it being overpowering, and with distinctive flavours that doesn't just bleed away into the heat. The fresh and natural ingredients that Melinda's uses in their sauce is huge too, and I hope more hot sauce manufacturers follow their lead.
But I was having a hell of a time trying to find this brand for sale in Canada. Chilly to the rescue! And not only do they stock this brand for us Canadians, they sell it at a great price and with good expiry dates. I ordered in Nov. 2020 and received a bottle with an expiry date of May 2022. It won't last past 2021, but it's good to know that Chilly isn't selling old stock that's close to expiring.
Excellent Hot sauce, very good not overpowering taste with a nice little kick.
Excellent Hot sauce, very good not overpowering taste with a nice little kick.

Heating up Canada for Over 30 Years
© Chilly Chiles 2024