Ass Kickin' Garlic Hot Salt
71 kr
Kevin Butler (Toronto, CA) It adds Great Flavor
Jack Miracle (Toronto, CA) Yes. It’s salt. So it is Salty.
Sometimes you hope that the company doesn’t skimp on the secondary ingredients. I feel the secondaries can be more substantial but if this is version 1.0. Then a wee bit of improvement is standard.
Hotness - the hotness is a good amount. Wanting to make your dish hotter, you put more on and it’s just a salty mess. Let’s bring up the scovilles on this one 50K-100K.
Other: no sugar. This is excellent. It’s hard to find a hot spice mix that doesn’t involve sugar. That’s the reason I went with this one. (However some of their other ones do have sugar in them. Beware)
Mary Mascitelli (Toronto, CA) Got our order very quickly! Thank you!
Sebastien Marion I put it on everything
Sebastien M. I put it on everything
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