Black Widow Ghost Pepper Dark Chocolate

Great quality, tastes really good and has a nice bit of heat
If you pop a square on your tongue and let it melt, I swear it feels like taking a sip of hot chocolate. The heat compliments the dark chocolate so nicely (though my friend who isn't as into spice strongly disagrees with me). The essential oils taste kind of odd when you chew it, but if you let it melt it's awesome.
Ghost pepper dark chocolate is delicious. The only reason itโs a 4 and not a 5 is because there wasnโt as much heat as I had anticipated
The initial taste and heat are very nice, but the aftertaste that stays is not. Probably due to the geranium.
The initial taste and heat are very nice, but the aftertaste that stays is not. Probably due to the geranium.

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