Pepperoncini Golden Greek Pepper Seeds
These mild, thin-skinned peppers will mature to a red colour but taste best while still green.10 seeds100-500 SHUManufactured by Sandia Seed Co
Patio Fire & Ice Pepper Seeds
Ornamental peppers in bright colours will liven up any pati, walkway or entrance. Compact 10" plants grows 3-4" upright peppers.
85 days to maturity.
Manufactured by Sandia Seed
Orange Habanero Seeds
The orange Habanero is one of the most well known and beloved peppers the world over. Medium heat, aromatic and slightly citrusy with a hint of sweetness, it's no wonder it's so popular.Non-GMO, open-pollinated.10 seeds.
Hatch Green Medium Pepper Seeds
7-9" pods on 30" tall plants. Large, meaty fruit excellent for roasting and pickling.
Man ufactured by sandia Seed
Habanero Caribbean Red Seeds
Capsicum chinense, 10 seeds. Pungent, fruity pods on 36" plants that may need staking to support the amount of fruit. 90 days to maturity.
Start indoors 8 weeks before transplant date.
400 000 Scoville
Hatch Green Hot Doublecross Seeds
A brand new cross that produces large, meaty pods with solid heat. Heavy yields on large 36" plants.30 seeds9000 SHUManufactured by Sandia Seed Co
Thai Hot Pepper Seeds
Capsicum frutescens, 10 seeds. Easy to grow, suitable for containers. 18" plants yield a profusion of thin 2" long bright red pods.
Start indoors 8 weeks before transplant date. 90 days to maturity.
Open-pollinated, non-GMO
50-100 000 Scoville
Sriracha Red Pepper Seeds
Extra large, very hot peppers on 36" tall plants that continue to produce all season.
93 days to maturity
Manufactured by Sandia Seed
Cascabella Pepper Seeds
Heavy yielding sturdy 24" plants give tart and crisp 2" fruits.
Manufactured by Sandia Seed
Jalapeno-Orange Spice Pepper Seeds
3 times hotter than regular jalapenos and bright orange. Heavy yields on 24" plants.
65 days to maturity.
Manufactured by Sandia Seed
Chile De Arbol Seeds
Capsicum annuum, 10 seeds. Narrow 3" long pods mature from light green to dark red with a natural smoky flavour. Grows on vigorous, tree-like 4' plants.
Start indoors 8 weeks before transplant date. 90 days to maturity.
Open-pollinated, non-GMO.
15-30 000 Scoville
Red Cherry Hot - Heirloom Pepper Seeds
Great for pickling, these bright red peppers are easy to grow. 30" tall bushy plants produce small 1-2" peppers with a bold flavour and mild-medium heat.10 seeds3-5000 SHUManufactured by Sandia Seed Co
Shishito Pepper Seeds
An early pepper with thin walls and bright green colour. 24" tall plants are ideal for container growing.
60 days to maturity
Manufactured by Sandia Seed
Aleppo Pepper Seeds
Aromatic and slightly sweet peppers on 4' tall plants. Start indoors 8 weeks before last frost. 89-90 days to maturity.
Trinidad Scorpion Pepper Seeds
Capsicum chinense, 8 seeds. 2" long pods with a distinctive tail. Matures from green to yellow to red. Wear gloves when handling fruit.
Start indoors 8 weeks before transplant date. 110 days to maturity.
Open-pollinated, non-GMO
1 400 000 Scoville